Looks like oil lamps. That means either oil wells and refineries or whaling.
This is even bigger fantasy than the living by the lake in a milled lumber home eating peaches.
pursue peace assembly 2022 shows a resurrected, newly shaven joseph, the son of jacob and rachel, having a nice dinner at a beautiful restaurant in the new system.
the survivors of armageddon all want to know if joseph can share stories about his life.. ''can you tell us what egypt was like?
what was pharaoh like?''.
Looks like oil lamps. That means either oil wells and refineries or whaling.
This is even bigger fantasy than the living by the lake in a milled lumber home eating peaches.
in july the congregation received $2300.00.
only 40.00 for the worldwide work and zero for ramapo project!!!.
if this is typical no wonder the org.
There is an online donation provision for ramapo and www. Some may use it. The local number would be in their collection boxes remember thereis a resolution every year to send a set amount from congregation funds for the mysterious expenses of mother.
Still it is telling.
pursue peace assembly 2022 shows a resurrected, newly shaven joseph, the son of jacob and rachel, having a nice dinner at a beautiful restaurant in the new system.
the survivors of armageddon all want to know if joseph can share stories about his life.. ''can you tell us what egypt was like?
what was pharaoh like?''.
I'm the poor sob washing dishes in the kitchen
whst day? We have been negligent in watching.
Hard to believe even stalwart PIMI believe this stuff.
i know there was a painting of a woman being resurrected naked and someone coming to greet her holding clothes, but what about after perfection, after the thousand years?.
the idea is we're supposed to achieve what adam lost by returning to human perfection, so wouldn't that include not wearing clothes, especially as the act of adam and eve hiding in the trees and sewing fig leaves signified shame, and imperfection passed on through the reproductive organs.
has the wt ever addressed this?
The real answer is "don't know", but they can add things. Water canopy making temperate climate everywhere, perfect self control, asexual transformation of genitals. My favorite will never make the cut: constant orgy.
the org.
was all too willing to emphasize to the government - especially the left that they very obedient to the calls for mask, vaccine, and lockdown mandates.
those that know about the great reset know what i'm talking about.
I doubt t h ey are in on reset.
As for being happy, t hat is a command, just like crying in North Korea when the dictator dies.
here in 2022 if anyone says anything against the vaccines even a little bit you are almost apostate.. someone once mentioned all vaccinated sports stars collapsing and someone else said not to speak badly about the gb or by extension jehovah.. the gb can’t get out of this one, it’s gone too far.
it’s now the case that if you speak against the vaccines you are speaking against the gb and by extension jehovah .
You cant even comment on the established science that the vaccines seem to be flawed as shown on CNN, MSNBC, not Fox.
Right in the video: " a young brother in hospital with covid who DID take all the precautions".
Meanwhile I am elderly, have compromised immune system, didn't mask, licked every doorknob, and apparently never got covid.
There are rumours the elders are getting ready to impose draconian measures to force people back to in-person and door to door.
If jehovah made vaccine and masks didn't he also make germs?
"can the ethiopian change his skin?
", feb. 15, 1904 watch tower.
we answer, no.
One of thjose finger pointing moments. There are indeed people who do no thinking and live in fear but they ain't Irish
i met freddie franz who was born in the 1880’s and many others from the 1880’s.
but as a very small child i remember someone very old aged 106 and that person was born around 1856 which means that he was around people from the 1700’s..
I met old Freddy while working backstage. My impression was he was very glad we got to meet him, no humility. But he could talk like he was on acid.
here is the thing: i tried several times to watch the convention...i just couldn't seem to forge ahead with it.
the reason i wanted to was to be able to engage in conversation about it with some of my old friends that communicate by phone that don't know i have disassociated.
i want to be able to slip in seeds of doubt, but at the same time i have to seem a bit current...) so i welcome to know any take outs, commentary, good or bad, or the video plots, etc.
Even ones who are more or less fully in are commenting on the lack of substance this year. ( best ever?)
Those are either brontosaurus ( resurrected) or soy burgers.
And we make fun of robe wearing winged haloed spirits walking on golden streets. There will have to be a large underclass to make clothing, mine coal, slave in factories,....